Career changes in mid-life

I know there must be others in the same boat as I am.  I am in the midst of a career change.  I went back to university part-time after years of working for a charity doing public policy and advocacy on gender issues.   After years of part-time study, I’m approaching completion of a PhD in international politics.

I went back to school in order to think more critically about the development and advocacy fields.  I wanted to see how the current theory out there provided a necessary critique of what I’d been doing.  Similarly, I was convinced that my experience had something to offer theory.

I am not a pure academic, nor a pure advocate.  I see myself as a bridge.  I like to take cutting edge theory and apply it in the field.

Anyway, here I am looking for jobs whilst I finish up my PhD.  Fellow students of a certain age are you out there?  I thought it would be great if we could form a virtual support group for those of us in a similar phase of life.  It would be great to cheer each other on and provide encouragement to one another on this long, often lonely, and seemingly never-ending journey!

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